The re-appearing students of Annual Examinations will be issued a Retest Admission Slip instead of their roll number slips.
The Retest Admission Slip is given to facilitate taking part in retests (only for courses on which annual examinations have been held) after giving a fresh Application Form by paying Rs. 200/– extra fee.
This slip should be taken to any test center along with your new Application Form duly filled up. After you have appeared at a test center along with your ticket/slip, your results will reflect marks obtained in both exams.
You are advised not to take admission against these results as they are just meant for Exam Records purposes only.
These results can not be used as a reference while applying for admission against future admissions etc.
AIOU Result
Each semester in Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is categorized into 3 terms namely- Fall, Spring, and Summer. Each term has its schedule for exams and results.
So you might have to wait for some time to get your desired results. The table below contains information about how you can check your results online once they are announced. Check out our comprehensive guide on how to check AIOU Results online here!

Once you click on any result link given above, a new window will open wherein you have to enter a set of required details such as Roll Number. before finally clicking Submit. This should enable you to view your results online.
What happens when students fail?
Students who fail an exam need not worry too much since there is a provision by AIOU whereby students can reappear again for their failed subjects in that very same academic year.
Again reappear
If a student gets below the passing mark in any subject of their first paper (English 1st Semester) they are called re-appear candidates.
Once they give their second chance they get a new code name called Again Reappear students. In case a student again fails with less than a passing mark for the 2nd time he or she will be disqualified from further exams as per rules AIOU has placed.
This is not just one case but there are many other cases also like Chemistry Again reappears students who got under 70% marks and now have been given 3rd chance to pass an exam by appearing 2nd time.
Result updates
Allama Iqbal Open University has announced the admissions schedule for the 4th session of The candidates can get detailed information about the AIOU Admission Schedule from the official website of AIOU University.
Result updates : Allama Iqbal Open University has announced the admissions schedule for the 4th session .
The candidates can get detailed information about the AIOU Admission Schedule from the official website of AIOU University.
Result Checking
Allama Iqbal Open University also provides an option to check your result by entering your Roll Number.
Just follow these simple steps: Log on to AIOU Select Online Admissions Select Results of Tests taken in Select Mark All Click on Get Marks Enter your roll number in the search field Click Submit.
The system will generate a PDF containing your Result Card information such as Test Date, Roll Number, Test Center, etc. Print out or save it for future reference.
The total marks
The total marks are just a simple addition of AIOU Paper 1 + AIOU Paper 2 + AIOU Pape 60 Marks. The Total of these three sums will get you your total marks. If you got more than 62 out of 100 on the first paper, then you are good at getting a pass certificate. The other two papers depend on your luck! Just try to do as well as possible in both of them! The best formula to follow is being constantly prepared for every exam and giving your best at every test.
Allama Iqbal Open University Help Desk
We are committed to providing our students with the best possible service. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have. Our team of knowledgeable staff members is available six days a week to answer any query.
You can reach us at +92-51-111-112-468, by filling out the contact form on our website (http://www.allamaiqbalopenuniversity.edu.pk/contact.php) or by sending us an email at [email protected].
If you’d like to speak with us in person, our representatives are available Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
You can also contact us on our official Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.
We look forward to helping you with your educational journey!