Courtesy of Mr. Ziaul Qayyum, Vice Chancellor Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
thigh –
Request to Reappear / Again Reappear Exam Policy Permanently.
It is a polite request that the person has come to know from the AIOU website, regional office, and recent results that Allama Iqbal OBE University Islamabad.
The Reappear/Again Reappear policy which has been going on for a long time has been discontinued (Discontinued) and has affected millions of students.
There is a lot of cruelty and abuse. In order to find out what the regional office, their position is that the students who are late once, their burden is our system in the next semester.
Can’t bear it so send this code entry again.
A disadvantage of termination is that the 2 years you mentioned by Jude Gray are already completed in 2 1/2 years due to the inefficiency of your system.
If the policy expires, the person will have to re-admit these failed courses in the 5th semester, then there will be papers in the 6th semester and the results will be made.
A period of 3.4 years also passes, for many students. Supplementary exams in Punjab education boards are held after 40 days but in AIOU one whole semester is wasted
It has to be done. Sir, your policies are already oppressing us.
Nissin is talking to the sky. Second to many programs including master’s level.
The fees are so high compared to the universities that the poor guy is struggling to pay and it is a big injustice that even in the soft form, there are dogs.
Religion has become a source of loss for us because you don’t even have to send books in hard form, how can I attend workshops without books?
How different are your policies from other universities?

It was made for the people, which is now slowly moving away from the poor, orphans, and forced women. And if there is a problem with fees, then our.
Reappear fees will be increased in this way you will be paid reappear fees instead of admission fees.
Please, I hope that millions of students are connected with you so that they do not suffer so much and stay away from education.
Let education go away.
They cannot get a job, but it teaches them good manners and enables them to live in society.
Restore the Reappear policy, every university and board must give one chance, you also gave us one chance. Millions of students are extremely grateful to you shall be.
You will be blessed.
Al Arti
Copy for information and necessary action:
Main Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamabad. You are specially requested to take notice of this matter.
Your services are not hidden from anyone and millions of students depend on you.
Minister Ministry of Education and Professional Training, Islamabad.
Higher Education Commission, Head Office Sector 9-H East Service Road Islamabad.
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